1st October 2024
We welcome 3 new(ish) PhD students to the lab: Emily Day and Ved Kumar who are not that new (MSs and/or technician in the lab before; Faculty/Neuroscience Institute internal funding) and Georgia Boothe who is joining us from Southampton (MRC DiMeN student). Celebratory sweets are in order at the Friday lab meeting!

25th September 
Cara's and Brittany's Cell Reports paper was featured in a Spotlight by Trends in Neurosciences. Congratulations to all the authors on this achievement!!! https://www.cell.com/trends/neurosciences/fulltext/S0166-2236(24)00175-9

25th September 2024
The lab welcomed SSC research attachment medical students who will do a 6-week project on optogenetics, Erynn and Jasmina.

16th September 2024
Rachel presented the data on m6A / FUS crosstalk in ALS-FUS at NeuroBioUK 2024. Excellent conference, co-organised by a SITraN researcher Alison Twelvetrees.

9th September 2024
Sabin has joined the team as a technician on the ARUK funded project working with Rache. Welcome Sabin!!

10th August 2024
Anna, together with other SITraN researchers, run the annual Soak the scientist event in Endcliffe park.

12th July 2024
TS lab was involved in organising SITraN open day - which has returned, after 5 years, to attract ~100 members of public for a fun day of activities and talks at the Institute. Rachel and TS ran microscopy session, and Cara manned a molecular biology section slot. Check pics in the Gallery!

3rd July 2024
Rachel gave a talk on translation dysregulation by mutant FUS at Translation UK in Guildford, Surrey.
3rd July 2024
Ruaridh and Rachel's invited review on TDP-43 role in nuclear bodies has been published in Biochem Soc Trans: https://doi.org/10.1042/BST20231447

28th June 2024
Cara and Brittany's Cell reports paper on TDP-43 regulation by nuclear condensation during stress and impact on STMN2 is published! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114421

22nd June 2024
Ruaridh presented at Single molecule imaging (SM@SH) seminar on his work using FIDA technology in drug discovery.

15th May 2024
Anna gave an invited talk on nuclear TDP-43 condensation and STMN2 at 11th FTD UK conference in Cambridge.

30 April 2024
We (Archa Fox and myself) are excited to announce that the 2nd Paraspeckle biology conference ("Paraspeckles and other condensates") will take place on Rottnest island (Perth Australia), on 30th October 2024. More information to follow. https://samphirerottnest.com.au/
If you are a paraspeckle/condensate enthusiast and interested to join, please message TS directly.

13 March 2024
Today at the lab meeting three completed manuscripts and a pilot grant awarded to TS and Rachel have been celebrated. The common theme in our work currently is condensates that look like donuts! Hence the donut theme.. Pizza to follow today.. Check the gallery! 
5 March 2024
Lab's second preprint has followed shortly after! https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.03.05.581933v1 Rachel's and Jess' work on optogenetic modeling of C9-DPR pathology.

20 February 2024
Lab's first preprint posted on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4721338
This work is on the mechanisms of TDP-43 regulated paraspeckle condensation which had been in the making for the last 2 years.

18 February 2024
This time, it was Brittany's turn to present data on nuclear TDP-43 condensation in ALS - collective lab effort, including some of her PhD project data. Manuscript is currently in revision.

29 January 2024
Rachel presented on opto-DPRs at a departmental seminar - this work should be preprinted soon.

25 January 2024
New PhD is advertised in the lab (optogenetics), with deadline on 13th February: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/deciphering-the-c9orf72-dpr-aggregation-pathology-in-neurodegeneration-using-optogenetic-and-in-vitro-analyses-of-modifiers/?p168134 

10 December 2023
Rachel and TS attended and gave oral talks at 34th Symposium on ALS/MND in Basel (6-8 Dec). It was Rachel's first MND symposium - hope one of many!

20 October 2023
TS (main supervisor), Sean Sweeney (York) and John Atack had their MRC DiMeN PhD project selected to be advertised. If you are interested to apply for a PhD in TS lab, get in touch - link to the project.

9 October 2023
1st paraspeckle symposium was a success!! Photos are in the gallery. Looking to repeat in 2024 in Australia.

1 October 2023
We are delighted to welcome Ruaridh - new PhD student in the lab working on a MNDA-funded project (joint with Scott Allen).

19 September 2023
TS (main supervisor) and Mark Dickman (Engineering, co-supervisor) had their BBSRC DTP PhD project selected. If you are interested to apply for a PhD in TS lab, get in touch - link to project

15 September 2023
Guillaume Haurbergue's paper on PGC1a as an RNA export adapter has been published in Nat Comms. TS is really happy to have contributed to this really nice story! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37679383/ 

6-8 September 2023
Cara and TS attended the 1st TDP-43 conference in Trieste and presented some of the most recent unpublished data on the role of TDP-43 in paraspeckles (talk and poster). 3 days of TDP-43 biology - what can be better?..

8 September 2023

Brittany has passed her confirmation review with no corrections!

25 August 2023
Emily presented on her MSc thesis. TS was marking the other session so could not attend but everyone said she did fantastic. Congratulations on passing the final bit of your assessment Emily!

19th August 2023
Ved and Anna took part in the Soak a Scientist challenge. Not only got they soaked but Ved also baked for the event. Photos to follow in the gallery.

10th August 2023
Department sponsored trip to Yorkshire Sculpture park! Lots of gaming and sunshine. TS was gutted because she could not go :(

July 2023
It's time to say goodbye to Jess who is off to travelling the world. We wish you all the luck in this new adventure (and please be careful whilst swimming to Cuba - may be take a couple of lessons first!). The image from Jess' mug - also in the gallery! A trip to the Notty house was essential - Jess requested to have one last local pie .. sounded like she'll miss the pies more than us..

17 July 2023
Jess and Cara presenting at the Medical Research School Day 2023:

July 12-14 2023
Ved, Jess, Brittany and Anna attended ENCALS - the first (I am sure of many!) ENCALS for them. Lots of discussions by the posters, fantastic time.

July 2023
TS and Archa Fox (UWA) are organising the first international conference on Paraspeckle biology!!! 8th October 2023, Surrey (satellite to RNA granules). Get in touch if you think your research is relevant: Conference contact/enquiries: paraspeckle.symposium@gmail.com. Rachel and Cara are conference technical committee.

5 July 2023
TS gave an invited talk about her fellowship journey at the Fellowship Day 2023 at the Department of Neuroscience.

01 July 2023
The lab welcomed a new postdoc - Anna Sanchez Avila, who was previously with Chris Henstridge in Dundee and just finished her PhD. Photos to follow!

June 2023
Brittany attended MND EnCouRage UK 2023 and talked about her project to the audience that included patients living with the disease and their carers.

April 2023
Jess, Ved and Brittany had their posters accepted to Encals 2023 in Barcelona so the lab will be well-represented at the conference.

29 March 2023
We are delighted to receive BBSRC Australia partnering award with Archa Fox at UWA. As part of this award, we will organise the 1st international Paraspeckle Biology symposium focused solely on paraspeckles. More detail to follow!

8 March 2023
We have a PhD studentship advertised on findPhD - PTMs in regulation of RNP granules (withMark Dickman and Caroline Evans), international candidates can apply (deadline 5 Apri) - use this link.

27 February 2023
Jess delivered a fantastic presentation at the internal SITraN seminar series. Her talk title was: Using optogenetic tools for modeling neurodegenerative disease pathology. Very well done!

31 January 2023
We bid a sad farewell to Jacqui - who secured a postdoc at Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, King's College London. To celebrate this (not Jacqui's departure but her new exciting appointment), a visit to Nottingham House was paid and a lot of pies were consumed.. Good luck with your new adventure Jacqui! Missing you..
January 2022
We are recruiting! The lab is looking for a postdoctoral researcher with a bioinformatics background, to join the UKRI FLF-funded project. The position is full time and 3 years in duration. If interested, please contact TS directly to discuss by email: t.shelkovnikova@sheffield.ac.uk 

20 January 2022
Jacqui and Rachel's work on super-resolution imaging of paraspeckles in cell models of ALS was presented at the SM@SH Single Molecule showcasing event in Sheffield by Rachel.

15 December 2022
Christmas dinner -Hautbergue and TS labs at the Lescar!

13 December 2022
RNA granules 2023 conference Register interest page is now live! https://www.biochemistry.org/events-and-training/events-calendar/rna-granules-2023/

Together with colleagues from Surrey, Sheffield and Manchester and support from the Biochemical Society, we are organising the international conference “RNA Granules 2023: from basic biology, functions to drug discovery", to be held in Surrey (UK), 9-11th October 2023.

The previous RNA granules conferences held in 2014 and 2017 in Canada and Germany were a success (the 2020 Vancouver meeting was cancelled due to COVID). The 2023 conference sessions will cover several themes, including Biocondensates Biogenesis and Dynamics, Biocondensates in Neurological Disorders, Cancer and Infections, Innovation and Methodological Advances, Therapeutics, Physico-Chemical properties of Phase Separation. Roy Parker is a confirmed keynote speaker. More information is to follow in early 2023 - stay tuned by signing up to the conference updates using the link above!

12 November 2022
TS's profile on ResearchGate achieved 10,000 reads!

November 2022
The lab welcomed 2 new postdocs, Cara and Rachel - welcome to the team!

October 2022
TS's first MSc students at Sheffield, Ved and Jess - who are have joined as technicians now - had their graduation ceremony! So pleased and proud for them!!

October 2022
The lab welcomed a PhD student, Brittany, and three technicians, Ved, Jacqui and Jess - warm welcome!

29 September 2022
Our review on the use of OTIs as precision gene editors in neurodegenerative diseases led by Ben Bax (Cardiff) has been published: https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/19/11541

13 September 2022
Our collaborative MRC/AZ CLD project (with Prof John Atack at Cardiff MDI) was awarded! We will be granted access to the AZ small molecule collection to find NEAT1/paraspeckle targeting molecules.

26 August 2022
Our Nucleic Acids Research paper on therapeutic targeting of NEAT1/paraspeckles has been accepted!! See here (and soon in the paper section).

5 April 2022
TS and Guillaume Hautbergue were awarded a 3-year MRC research grant to establish a biochemical assay for analysis of ALS-linked RNP complexes, suitable for screening of small molecules. The recruitment on this grant (3-year postdoctoral position, full time) to begin soon (will be posted here).

4 February 2022
TS and Kurt De Vos have been awarded a PhD studentship to identify drugs that modulate STMN2 splicing, by MND Scotland. Needless to say that we are honored and excited to be selected within this completive scheme. The project is currently advertised on Findaphd, until 6th May:

6 September 2021
Lab has moved to SITraN, Sheffield. Exciting times!!

5 May 2021
Tatyana has been awarded a BBSRC grant, together with Nicolas Locker from Surrey, to look into the molecular mechanisms of stress granule - paraspeckle crosstalk.

16 March 2021
MND Research blog about our work was published, check it here: https://mndresearch.blog/2021/03/16/flexible-molecules-and-droplets-researching-and-targeting-rna-protein-complexes-in-mnd/

02 March 2021
Our study on the analysis of FUS aggregate composition is now available as a preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.02.433611v1 

11 January 2021
The paper with our collaborators in Tokyo, Nevada and Moscow has been accepted for publication at the RNA Biology journal.

08 December 2020
Tatyana is this year's winner of the ENCALS Young Investigator Award!

07 October 2020
The lab has received a grant from the Welsh Government for a COVID-19 drug discovery project. Can't wait to start it!

04 May 2020
Our paper on neurological phenotypes in Neat1 knockout mice (previously available as preprint), with Haiyan, Camille and Tatyana as authors, has been accepted for publication in the Translational Psychiatry journal.

30 April 2020
Our paper on the effect of FUS frameshift mutations, with Haiyan, Camille and Tatyana as authors, has been accepted for publication in the Molecular Brain journal.

12 February 2020
Tatyana presented at CU School of Dentistry seminar: “Therapeutic targeting of RNA – expanding the boundaries of the druggable genome?”

14 January 2020
Tatyana invited to give a talk on paraspeckle regulation by stress granules at the RNA UK 2020 meeting

21 November 2019
Invited commentary on our J Cell Biol paper was published in Cell Stress
check free text: https://www.cell-stress.com/researcharticles/2019a-an-microbial-cell/

23 October 2019
Haiyan had her PhD viva – only minor corrections! Congratulations!!!

23 September 2019
The very first lab’s preprint, with Haiyan, Camille and Tatyana as authors, published on bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/773333v1